Thomas Eaton, DDS



Dentures services offered in Ione, CA

Dentures are a safe, affordable solution for missing teeth that can instantly improve your smile’s function and appearance while preserving your oral health. Serving the Ione, California, community for over 35 years, Thomas Eaton, DDS, creates custom-made dentures that fit comfortably and securely in your mouth. Call the office today or use the online booking tool to schedule a consultation about dentures.

What are dentures?

Dentures are prosthetic devices that replace missing teeth and the tissues that support them. Losing teeth is more than a cosmetic issue. Missing teeth can affect your ability to chew food properly, speak clearly, and maintain facial structure. They also cause your remaining teeth to shift toward the empty space, which can lead to further complications.

Dentures provide functional support by restoring these abilities and improving your overall quality of life, appearance, and self-confidence. 

Are there different types of dentures?

Dr. Eaton offers several types of dentures, including:

Partial dentures

Partial dentures fill in gaps that missing teeth leave behind. They attach to a metal framework that bonds to your surrounding teeth for support. Partial dentures are ideal if you have some missing teeth, but still want to retain your remaining natural teeth.

Complete dentures

Complete dentures replace all of your upper or lower teeth when you have no natural teeth remaining in that arch. These dentures include artificial teeth attached to a pink acrylic base that mimics your gums and tooth-supporting tissues. Complete dentures suction to the roof of your mouth, so they feel snug and secure. 

Implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported dentures connect to dental implants, which are titanium posts that replace your natural tooth roots. Dental implants surgically bond to your jawbone and integrate into the surrounding tissues, providing a stable foundation for your dentures.

What does the process of getting dentures involve?

Dr. Eaton creates your custom-made dentures in a few simple steps:

Consultation and exam

First, you visit for a consultation and thorough dental exam with Dr. Eaton to determine the best type of dentures for your needs. He may use digital X-rays at his office to assess your oral health and determine the next steps.

Impressions and measurements

Dr. Eaton then takes impressions and measurements of your mouth to ensure a precise fit for your dentures.

Wax model

Using these impressions, he creates a mock-up or wax model of your dentures for you to try on and provide feedback.

Final dentures fabrication

Once you're satisfied with the fit and appearance, your final dentures are fabricated in a lab.

Adjustments and fitting

Dr. Eaton adjusts and fits your dentures to ensure they’re comfortable and functional. He also provides you with instructions on how to care for and maintain them.

Call Thomas Eaton, DDS, today or book online now to schedule a consultation.