Thomas Eaton, DDS

6 Smile Flaws Easily Remedied With Veneers

Mar 13, 2024

6 Smile Flaws Easily Remedied With Veneers
These days, it seems like everyone has perfectly aligned, glistening white teeth. The secret: Dental veneers. More popular than ever, dental veneers can correct an array of smile flaws with little preparation and no downtime. Read on to learn more.

Nothing instills confidence and imparts goodwill like a radiant smile. If gaps, stains, or other dental issues prevent you from sharing your best grin, veneers can change that.

Veneers are ultra-thin porcelain shells affixed over your natural teeth. They require little preparation and can correct more smile flaws than you may expect.

Thomas Eaton, DDS, located in Ione, CA, offers a full menu of cosmetic dental treatments, including veneers. Here are some of the most popular reasons Dr. Eaton’s patients choose veneers.

1. Minor misalignments

If your teeth are a little crooked, you may think braces are your only option -- but they’re not. Veneers can cover up many imperfections, including misalignment. Veneers are custom-made to fit your teeth to create a straighter smile without enduring the discomfort of braces. Plus, with veneers, we can fix your smile in two visits, while braces can take years or longer to straighten your teeth. 

2. Dull or yellow teeth

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that has excellent results. Unfortunately, teeth whitening, even the professional kind, can’t brighten all stains. You might want to consider veneers if you have deep stains caused by injury, fluoride, or antibiotics. 

The thin porcelain shells brighten your teeth and cover the stains that whitening agents can’t remove. Plus, veneers are stain-resistant, so your smile will continue to shine for a long time. Of course, you must still brush and floss regularly and come in for your scheduled checkups and cleanings.

3. Chipped teeth

Before veneers, a crown was the only option for improving a chipped tooth. However, veneers are a less invasive alternative. We can create one veneer for your chipped tooth to match the color of the rest of your teeth so that no one will know.

4. Cracked teeth

Veneers also cover up cracks. The veneer and special dental cement provide a stronghold to help support the cracked tooth, which may also help prevent further damage. And with good care, veneers can last for up to 15 years.

5. Gaps between teeth

Like misalignments, gaps between teeth do not always require years of orthodontic treatment. Veneers can cover small gaps.  We custom shape and tint each porcelain shell to fit perfectly on your teeth while filling in the spaces -- leaving you with a seamless smile.

6. Gummy smile

Veneers can also fix a gummy smile, which is when you show a good bit of your gums when you smile. We can create longer veneers to enhance the shape of your teeth, which balances your smile and makes it more aesthetically pleasing. 

 If you’re ready to remedy the flaws in your smile, call Thomas Eaton, DDS at 209-274-2429, or schedule an appointment online to learn more about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry.